September 25, 2002
New Travel Directive effective October 1, 2002 – Extended Periods in Travel Status
- Relocation Directive – Short Term Relocation
- Foreign Service Directives – Short Term Relocation Outside Canada and the USA
1. The provisions of the new Travel Directive addressing periods in travel status of more than 30 consecutive calendar days at the same location overlap the current provisions in two other directives:
(a) The Relocation Directive, articles 5.9 to 5.11, covering Short-Term Relocation; and,
(b) The Foreign Service Directives FSD 3 Application – Appendix entitled Short-Term Relocation Outside Canada and the USA. This latter policy is also reproduced in the Relocation Directive as articles 5.12 to 5.21.
2. After October 1, 2002, articles 5.9 to 5.11 of the Relocation Directive, Short-Term Relocation, will remain in effect only for persons who were on Short-Term Relocation on September 30, 2002, and will continue to apply until the end of the assignment.
All assignments starting October 1, 2002 will be subject to the provisions of the new Travel Directive, unless the employee (and family) relocate to the new place of duty. In the latter case, the provisions of the Relocation Directive will continue to apply, including article 5.9.3, until the Relocation Directive is revised in the near future.
3. The short-term relocation provisions of the Foreign Service Directives continue to apply to periods of assignment in excess of four months, but less than one year, where the employee accepts the assignment on an unaccompanied basis.
For periods of one year and more, the Foreign Service Directives apply.
For periods of assignment of less than four months duration, the provisions of the new Travel Directive apply.
Dan Butler
General Secretary