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This Directive outlines the provisions which apply to employees on a short-term assignment outside Canada.
Note: This definition only applies to this directive.
Short-term assignment (affectation de courte durée) means a temporary move of an employee from one place of duty to another place of duty for a period of 121 consecutive calendar days or more and less than one year and, subject to FSD 3 – Application, to:
- an office of the Government of Canada located outside of Canada; or
- another government, organization or institution located outside of Canada.
8.1 Application
8.1.1 The provisions of this directive apply to a short-term assignment as defined in this directive.
8.1.2 For assignments of 120 consecutive calendar days or less, benefits and provisions in accordance with the NJC Travel Directive shall apply.
8.1.3 This Directive does not apply to employees who are already on assignment under the full provisions of these directives, nor to employees, dependants or other individuals hired locally.
8.1.4 When an employee is officially notified in writing that the length of a short-term assignment is subsequently shortened to a period of travel status under the NJC Travel Directive of 120 consecutive calendar days or less, the deputy head shall proceed as follows:
- any allowances or payments that the employee was entitled to for the period prior to being advised in writing of the shortened assignment shall not be recovered;
- the provisions of sections 8.13 and 8.14 shall cease on the first compensation day following the written notice to the employee that the assignment length is shortened;
- the incidental expense allowance amount payable will be the greater of the provisions of section 8.4 authorized at the beginning of the short-term assignment or the daily incidental expense allowance amount applicable to the location as specified in Appendix C or D of the NJC Travel Directive for the full period;
- the other benefits and provisions applicable to the employee shall remain unchanged; and
- the employee shall not receive duplicate benefits.
8.1.5 When an employee is subject to the NJC Travel Directive and is officially notified in writing that the period of travel status is extended to 121 consecutive calendar days or more and less than one year, and the definition of short-term assignment is met, the provisions of this directive shall apply once the employee accepts the extension in writing.
- any allowances or payments that the employee was entitled to for the period prior to being advised in writing of the lengthened assignment shall not be recovered;
- the provisions of sections 8.13 and 8.14 shall apply retroactively commencing on the first day of travel status under the NJC Travel Directive;
- subject to paragraph 8.1.5(a), the incidental expense allowance amount payable will be the difference between the full provisions of section 8.4 and the daily incidental expense allowance amount applicable to the location as specified in Appendix C or D of the NJC Travel Directive received by the employee prior to being notified of the extension; and
- the employee shall not receive duplicate benefits.
8.1.6 When an employee on a short-term assignment accepts an assignment at the same post, the provisions of this directive shall cease and the full provisions of these directives shall apply as applicable, subject to FSD 9 – Medical and Dental Examinations, effective on the date of official notification in writing of the assignment. The deputy head shall ensure that employees do not receive duplicate benefits.
8.1.7 Subject to subsection 8.1.6, in exceptional circumstances where the short-term assignment extends beyond the normal length, the provisions of FSD 8 – Short-Term Assignments shall continue until the date of official notification in writing of the assignment.
8.2 Transportation
8.2.1 The deputy head shall apply the applicable transportation entitlement of the NJC Travel Directive for transportation to and from the post. For international travel, a suitable rest period or overnight stop shall be authorized in accordance with the provisions of the NJC Travel Directive.
8.2.2 The deputy head may authorize the cost of five pieces of accompanying baggage within the size and weight allowable by the carrier and including the baggage transported free of charge by the carrier.
8.2.3 In special circumstances, the deputy head may authorize the cost of more pieces of accompanying baggage in order to address an employee’s specific needs.
8.3 Storage of Household Effects
8.3.1 The deputy head may authorize the storage of household effects, including a private motor vehicle (PMV) in accordance with section 15.13 of FSD 15 – Relocation, if the employee is not maintaining a principal residence during the short-term assignment.
8.3.2 Where the storage is authorized for the employee’s household effects and the employee is not able to occupy permanent accommodation, the cost of two days living expenses in Canada at the time of departure and at the time of return shall be authorized under the provisions of paragraph 15.4.1(c) of FSD 15 – Relocation.
8.3.3 Where an employee's household effects have been placed in storage at Crown expense, the employee shall pay the applicable shelter cost in accordance with Appendix A of FSD 25 – Shelter at the "one in household" rate, with effect from the day following the date of arrival at the post.
8.4 Incidental Expense Allowance
8.4.1 Subject to subsections 8.1.4, 8.1.5 and 8.1.6, the deputy head shall authorize an incidental expense allowance of 50% of the incidental relocation expense allowance in accordance with Appendix C of FSD 15 – Relocation at the beginning and at the end of the short-term assignment.
8.5 Accommodation
8.5.1 The deputy head shall authorize the payment of actual and reasonable costs for accommodation, and utilities including installation, at the location of the short-term assignment.
8.5.2 Where possible, employees shall be placed in self-contained accommodation, either commercial or Crown-held.
8.5.3 Provided that the employee is not required by the employer to remain at the post, an employee may choose to spend the weekend at an alternative location. Such arrangements shall be made in consideration of security and diplomatic contexts.
8.5.4 Subject to subsection 8.5.3, reimbursement shall be limited to the cost of maintaining the employee at the post and shall include the cost of accommodation and the meal allowance. To be eligible for reimbursement, the employee shall:
- cancel charges for accommodation and meals provided on site at the post;
- assume personal liability as if the employee were not on short-term assignment; and
- not return home or to the headquarters area during the weekend.
8.5.5 Spending the weekend at an alternative location does not preclude the employee's entitlement to section 8.9 - Home Travel.
8.6 Meal Allowance
8.6.1 The deputy head shall authorize payment of the daily meal allowance only, no incidentals, as specified in Appendix C or D of the NJC Travel Directive, as applicable.
8.6.2 Where, due to special circumstances such as heavy workload, difficulty in finding food, or extremely limited restaurant facilities, the deputy head deems the meal allowance in subsection 8.6.1 to be inadequate, such meal allowance may be authorized as may be considered reasonable, up to the full daily meal rate.
8.6.3 Where a meal allowance has not been established in the country of assignment or where there are sudden changes in currency exchange rates or high inflationary trends, the deputy head may authorize actual and reasonable expenses for meals, based on receipts.
8.7 Laundry and Dry Cleaning
8.7.1 The deputy head shall authorize reimbursement of actual costs for laundry for employees who occupy accommodation which is not provided with laundry facilities which consist of a washer and dryer.
8.7.2 Where the deputy head is satisfied that dry cleaning costs significantly exceed those in the employee's headquarters city, reimbursement of 50% of the actual costs of dry cleaning shall be reimbursed, upon presentation of receipts.
8.8 Commuting Assistance
8.8.1 The deputy head may authorize financial assistance to cover excess home/office commuting costs, in accordance with the provisions for commuting assistance under FSD 30 – Post Transportation and Related Expenses.
8.8.2 When authorized overtime causes a disruption in the employee’s regular commuting pattern, or when the employee is required to participate in a work-related event outside of normal work hours, the employee shall be reimbursed actual and reasonable additional local transportation costs.
8.9 Home Travel and Alternative
8.9.1 An employee is eligible for home travel provisions under this directive to the normal place of duty provided that the following conditions are met:
- work schedules permit the employee to be absent; and
- appropriate private or public transportation is available and its use is both practical and reasonable.
8.9.2 Provided the employee is on continuous short-term assignment, the employee is entitled to home travel as per the table below. The employee may schedule actual trips within the maximum number permitted to meet personal needs.
Minimum of: |
121 days = 1 trip |
200 days = 2 trips |
280 days = 3 trips |
8.9.3 The employee shall be reimbursed, based on receipts, the cost of the most economical return airfare, the necessary return ground transportation to and from the carrier's terminal, and meals en route. Meals and incidentals at the destination shall not be reimbursed. The accommodation at the post should be cancelled if possible.
8.9.4 As an alternative to home travel by the employee, the deputy head may authorize the spouse, common-law partner, or dependant to travel to the employee's post up to the cost of home travel by the employee. Such arrangements shall be made in consideration of security, diplomatic and health contexts.
8.9.5 Where the deputy head does not authorize the spouse, common-law partner or dependant to travel to the post, as an alternative to home travel by the employee, travel for the employee and a spouse or common-law partner or dependant may be authorized to a third location up to the cost of home travel by the employee.
8.10 Home Communication
8.10.1 The deputy head shall authorize the provisions for home communication for employees assigned to posts located outside the continental U.S.A. only, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the NJC Travel Directive.
8.11 Dependant Care
8.11.1 The deputy head shall authorize dependant care for employees in accordance with the relevant provisions of the NJC Travel Directive.
8.12 Medical, Dental and Health Care
8.12.1 The deputy head shall authorize the application of FSD 9 – Medical and Dental Examinations for posts designated as unhealthy under FSD 38 – Preventive Medical Services Expenses.
8.12.2 It is the employee's responsibility to ensure Provincial or Territorial health care and Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) Supplementary coverage while outside Canada as well as continued coverage under the Public Service Dental Care Plan (PSDCP).
8.12.3 If the short-term assignment is extended beyond one year, it is the employee’s responsibility to change coverage from Supplementary to Comprehensive Coverage under the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP).
8.13 Foreign Service Premium
8.13.1 Subject to subsections 8.1.4 and 8.1.5 and to paragraph 8.17.3(c), the deputy head shall authorize payment of the Foreign Service Premium and the accrual of foreign service premium points in accordance with FSD 56 – Foreign Service Incentive Allowances (Foreign Service Premium).
8.14 Post Differential Allowance
8.14.1 Subject to subsections 8.1.4 and 8.1.5 and to paragraph 8.17.3(c), the deputy head shall authorize the provisions of the Post Differential Allowance in accordance with FSD 58 – Post Differential Allowance.
8.14.2 Where payment of an additional amount of post differential allowance or special payment has been established to recognize extraordinary conditions at a hardship post, in accordance with subsection 58.5.4 of FSD 58 – Post Differential Allowance, the deputy head shall authorize these payments from the first day of an assignment to a hardship post, notwithstanding that the employee may not otherwise be subject to the provisions of FSD 58 – Post Differential Allowance.
8.15 Temporary Absence
8.15.1 An absence from the post on authorized government travel under the NJC Travel Directive, approved leave, home travel or home travel alternative does not constitute a break in the short-term assignment for the purpose of determining the length of the short-term assignment.
8.15.2 When an employee is absent from the post on authorized government travel, the employee shall not receive double benefits.
8.16 Currency Exchange
8.16.1 The deputy head shall authorize the provisions for currency exchange in accordance with the NJC Travel Directive.
8.17 Employee Accompanied by Dependant(s)
8.17.1 In rare and unusual cases, and subject to subsection 8.17.4, the deputy head may authorize the employee's spouse or common-law partner and any dependant(s) normally residing with the employee to accompany the employee, subject to proof of health insurance coverage.
8.17.2 The deputy head may authorize the employee to precede the spouse or common-law partner and dependant(s).
8.17.3 Where the spouse or common-law partner and dependant(s) are authorized to accompany an employee, assistance shall be limited to:
- transportation costs in accordance with subsection 8.2.1, up to the total cost of the employee’s home travel entitlement under section 8.9;
- FSD 55 – Post Living Allowance, where the Post Index is above 100;
- FSD 56 – Foreign Service Premium and FSD 58 – Post Differential Allowance at the unaccompanied rate; and
- the provisions of FSD 39 – Health Care Expenses, FSD 41 - Health Care Travel and FSD 42 – Medical and/or Dental Expense Advance, unless otherwise covered by the employee's provincial and/or supplementary insurance plan.
8.17.4 Where the provisions of subsection 8.17.3 apply:
- home travel and alternative, home communication and meal allowances shall not apply;
- no additional accommodation/housing will be provided, or additional accommodation costs reimbursed;
- no additional costs will be authorized for shipment of household effects; and
- employees are responsible to ensure provincial and supplementary coverage, such as Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP), for their dependant(s) while outside Canada.
8.18 Assistance for Single Parents
8.18.1 At the request of the employee and in lieu of the provisions for home travel, the deputy head may authorize:
- payment of return transportation expenses for one or more pre-school aged children up to the cost of home travel for the employee which would otherwise be incurred;
- dependant care expenses at the work location outside Canada which are in excess of existing dependant care expenses for equivalent care, up to the costs which would otherwise be incurred at the old place of duty and reimbursed under the NJC Travel Directive; and
- expenses for vaccinations and/or inoculations for the child which are a consequence of the work location outside Canada.
8.19 Emergencies, Illnesses, Injuries or Death While on Short-Term Assignment
8.19.1 In the event of emergencies, illnesses, injuries or death while on short-term assignment, the employer shall authorize the payment of necessary expenses in accordance with Part V of the NJC Travel Directive for the employee, spouse or common-law partner and any dependant(s) in accordance with section 8.17.