

The employer wishes to ensure through preventive services that employees and their dependants are medically fit for service abroad and are medically fit upon return from service abroad. Examinations for this purpose will normally be provided by the medical service provider. Where the medical service provider is not in a position to conduct the examinations and the deputy head authorizes use of a private facility, the employer will pay the costs of related expenses for examinations conducted at a private facility. Health Canada has been delegated authority to amend the Appendix to this directive as and when required.


9.1 Application

9.1.1 Prior to each posting, including cross-posting, an employee and each dependant who is either to reside with the employee at a post, or is to be in full-time attendance at an educational institution outside of Canada, shall have the right to a medical examination, or may as a condition of posting or cross-posting be required to undergo a dental and/or a medical examination which shall include specialist services, psychological assessments, x-rays and immunization against diseases as required. The posts for which dental examinations are required are listed in Appendix A to this directive.

9.1.2 Where a dental examination is required, such dental examination shall include an assessment of any special dental treatment which may be required prior to or during the employee's assignment.

9.1.3 Where an employee is posted to a hardship post, as specified in Appendix B of FSD 58 – Post Differential Allowance, the cost of a pre-posting eye examination will be reimbursed for employees and their dependant(s). Pre-posting eye examinations are not mandatory for the issuance of a Posting Confirmation Form (or equivalent).

9.1.4 The dental examination, medical examination and related hospitalization and any special examination required shall be administered in the manner prescribed by Health Canada at a Canadian government facility. In special circumstances, the deputy head may authorize the use of a private facility only where the medical service provider is not in a position to conduct such examinations, or the deputy head considers a private facility to be more appropriate.

9.2 On Assignment to Canada

9.2.1 On assignment to Canada, an employee and/or a dependant who resided at the post may, on request, be granted, or may be required by the employer to undergo a medical examination which shall include such specialist services, psychological assessments, x-rays or immunization as may be required.

9.2.2 The medical examinations referred to in subsection 9.2.1 shall normally be provided where:

  1. the employee and/or dependant completes a period of service at an unhealthy post as defined in FSD 2 – Definitions; and/or
  2. the employee has had a previous period of service at an unhealthy post, or has been otherwise exposed to unhealthy conditions at a post; and/or
  3. a reasonable period of time has passed since the last medical examination of an employee or a dependant.

9.2.3 The medical examinations referred to in subsection 9.2.1 may be given in Canada or at another location approved by the deputy head while an employee is on leave or temporary duty.

9.3 Fitness for Duty Assessment

9.3.1 An assessment as to fitness for duty prepared by the medical service provider shall be submitted to the deputy head with respect to any medical examination administered pursuant to this directive.

9.3.2 An assessment as to the requirement for dental treatment which is not available at the employee's post shall be submitted by the medical service provider to the deputy head with respect to any dental examination administered pursuant to this directive.

9.3.3 Whenever medical matters are at issue, employees shall have the right to have their personal physician submit a written medical opinion to the medical service provider who shall review such opinion and submit another assessment as to fitness for duty to the deputy head, taking into consideration the medical opinion of the employee's physician.

9.3.4 On behalf of the employer, an independent written medical opinion which shall be taken into consideration in the assessment as to fitness for duty may be requested:

  1. by the deputy head when the deputy head is not satisfied with the fitness for duty assessment provided in subsection 9.3.1 and a second written medical opinion has not been provided under subsection 9.3.3; or
  2. by the medical service provider when it determines there is a significant variance between the written medical opinions provided in subsections 9.3.1 and 9.3.3.

9.3.5 In arriving at a decision concerning the assignment of an employee, the deputy head shall give consideration to the medical and dental assessments submitted pursuant to subsections 9.3.1, 9.3.2, 9.3.3 and 9.3.4.

9.4 Admissible Expenses

9.4.1 The deputy head shall authorize:

  1. payment of actual and reasonable medical examination expenses;
  2. payment of actual and reasonable dental examination expenses for examinations conducted as a condition of posting to those posts listed in Appendix A of this directive; and/or
  3. payment of actual and reasonable expenses to cover the cost of local transportation and/or parking to attend mandatory pre-posting medical and dental appointments as required by Health Canada or the deputy head.

9.4.2 Where appropriate, the deputy head shall authorize payment of travelling expenses, as defined in FSD 2 – Definitions.

9.4.3 Where the use of a private facility is authorized by the deputy head, the written opinion and professional account shall be submitted to the medical service provider and the account shall be verified and recommended for payment when the quality of the written opinion is satisfactory to the medical service provider.

9.4.4 Expenses incurred by the employee pursuant to subsections 9.1.4 and 9.3.3 shall not be a charge against the employee's health or hospitalization insurance plan.

9.5 Leave

9.5.1 Where it is necessary for a medical or dental examination authorized under this directive to be conducted during normal working hours, the employee shall be considered to be on duty for the period required for such examination.

9.5.2 Where an employee is required to undergo a medical or dental examination authorized under this directive and it is not possible to conduct such an examination during scheduled working hours, the deputy head may authorize overtime compensation as provided for in the applicable collective agreement for the period required for such examination.