Lower Kilometric Rates

References: Appendix A (https://www.njc-cnm.gc.ca/directive/cad-datq/cad-datq-a1-eng.php)


Appendix A of the Commuting Assistance Directive establishes the lower kilometric rate for each Canadian province, Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut, which are payable in cents per kilometre, when a government employee uses a privately owned vehicle other than on government travel.


The lower kilometric rates (employee requested) are based on the Government Travel Directive kilometric rates methodology. The lower kilometric rates are determined by analyzing only the variable operating expenses of the kilometric rates methodology.

Review Process

The rates are reviewed four times a year and resulting revisions are effective January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 of each year. This coincides with the review of Government Travel kilometric rates. (Revised January 15, 2007)

Approval Process

The Executive Committee then reviews the recommended rates for approval. (Revised January 15, 2007)

Communication of Decision

Once the rates are approved they are posted as Appendix A on the NJC's Web site and the Commuting Assistance Directive is amended accordingly.