May 25, 2016

21.4.1042, 21.4.1045, 21.4.1048, 21.4.1054


The employees all claimed that they were not properly compensated (i.e. kilometric rate and meals) while on government travel status.

These grievances are identical in nature to NJC 21.4.965 and 21.4.967. Although the grievances in question were denied at the first level, they were returned to the Region for review once the NJC Executive Committee had made a decision on the above-noted grievances.

Following a review in the region, confirmation was received that the grievors received payment for the travel expenses claimed for the days in question.

However, there was a dispute between the Employer and the Bargaining Agent, as to whether or not these grievances should be deemed to be of a continuing nature (as was stated in the Executive Committee's decision for 21.4.965 and 21.4.967).


The employees are grieving the Employer's decision to deny reimbursement of travel expenses while on approved government travel.

Executive Committee Decision

The Executive Committee considered the grievances and past precedent set out in 21.4.965 & 967. As such, the Executive Committee concluded that the grievances are deemed to be of continuing nature and limited the remedy to twenty-five (25) days prior to the point at which the grievors were informed of the circumstances giving rise to the grievances.  Given this, the grievors are to be compensated in accordance with the decision set out in 21.4.965 and 967. As such, the grievances are upheld.