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This document is not yet in effect.
- FSD 25 - Shelter
- Scope
- Definitions
- Directive
- 25.1 Application
- 25.2 Crown-Held Accommodation
- 25.3 Privately Leased Accommodation – Actual Rent
- 25.4 Privately Leased Accommodation - Advance
- 25.5 Privately Leased Accommodation - Other Costs
- 25.6 Privately Leased Accommodation - Disputes
- 25.7 Accommodation at No Cost to the Crown
- 25.8 Employee-Owned Accommodation
- 25.9 Utility and Other Expenses
- 25.10 Shelter Cost
- 25.11 Start and End Date of Shelter Cost
- 25.12 Calculation of Partial Month Actual Rent or Shelter Cost
- 25.13 Shared Accommodation
- 25.14 Temporary Absence from Post
- 25.15 Safe Storage Expense Benefit During a Temporary Absence from Post
- 25.16 Accommodation Deficiency Adjustment
- 25.17 Local Move
- Appendix B - Calculation of Actual Rent or Shelter Cost for a Partial Month – Section 25.12
- Appendix C - Calculation of Recovery of Advance – Privately Leased Accommodation – Paragraph 25.4.2(b)
- Appendix D – Accommodation Deficiency Adjustments - Crown-Held Accommodation – Section 25.16