Deputy Head Approval
Notice to Bargaining Agents (180 days prior)
Establishment of Joint WFA - ADI Committee
ADI Decision (Type 1, 2 or 3)
Notification to Bargaining Agents
Notification to Employees (60 days prior to Transfer)
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
ADI Type 1
- Legislation determines successor rights (maintenance of bargaining agent, collective agreement)
- Reasonable job offer (RJO) from new employer
- Continuous employment in CPA recognized
- Pension arrangements (see Appendix A)
- Core benefits offered: health benefits, long‑term disability and dental plan
- Transfer of sick leave credits up to maximum qualifying period for new employer’s long‑term disability insurance
- 2‑year employment guarantee by new employer
60 days to consider job offer
Accepts RJO
- 3 months’ lump sum if pension criteria not met
- If new employer recognizes years of service for severance pay purposes: CPA portion paid out at time of transfer if employee is entitled under his/her collective agreement.
- Option to carry over unused annual leave credits (new employer must agree)
- Termination on date of transfer or other date for operational reasons
Refuses RJO
- Official notification to TBS and Bargaining agents
- Retention payment can be considered
- 4 months’ termination notice (termination date no later than date of transfer)
- Priority entitlement : Deemed laid-off for the purpose of the Public Service Employment Act
- Severance pay as per collective agreement if applicable
ADI Type 2
- Reasonable job offer (RJO)
- New average salary of group of employees between 85% and 100% of current average salary
- Pension arrangements (see Appendix A)
- Health benefits, long-term disability and dental plan
- Short‑term disability insurance arrangement
- 2‑year employment guarantee by new employer
60 days to consider job offer
Accepts RJO
- 3 months’ lump sum + 18 months’ salary top‑up
- 6 months’ top‑up if salary less than 80%
- 3 months’ lump sum if pension criteria not met
- If new employer recognizes years of service for severance pay purposes: CPA portion paid out at time of transfer if employee is entitled under his/her collective agreement.
- Option to carry over unused annual leave credits (new employer must agree)
- Termination on date of transfer or other date for operational reasons
Refuses RJO
- Official notification to TBS and bargaining agents
- Retention payment can be considered
- 4 months’ termination notice (termination date no later than transfer date to new employer)
- Priority entitlement : Deemed laid-off for the purpose of the Public Service Employment Act
- Severance pay as per collective agreement if applicable
ADI Type 3
- Not considered a reasonable job offer
- Criteria of Type 1 or Type 2 not met (ex. new average salary for group is less than 85% of current group average)
60 days to consider job offer
Accepts offer
- 6 months’ lump sum
- Severance pay as per collective agreement
- Option to carry over unused annual leave credits (new employer must agree)
- Termination on date of transfer or other date for operational reasons
Refuses Offer
- 4 months’ termination notice (end date no later than transfer date)
- Declared opting or surplus with a GRJO
- Priority entitlements (surplus/laid off as applicable)
- Severance pay at layoff rate as per collective agreement