2.1 Department or Organization
2.1.1 As already mentioned in subsection 1.1.12, departments or organizations shall advise and consult with the bargaining agent representatives as completely as possible regarding any work force adjustment situation as soon as possible after the decision has been made and throughout the process and will make available to the bargaining agent the name and work location of affected employees.
2.1.2 The department or organization shall notify the Treasury Board Secretariat, in confidence, at the earliest possible date and under no circumstances less than four (4) working days before the situation is announced of any work force adjustment situation which is likely to involve six or more indeterminate employees subject to this Directive.
2.1.3 Prior to notifying any potentially affected employee, departments or organizations shall also notify the Chief Executive Officer of each bargaining agent that has members involved. Such notification is to be in writing, in confidence and at the earliest possible date and under no circumstances less than (2) working days before any employee is notified of the workforce adjustment situation.
2.1.4 Such notification will include the identity and location of the work unit(s) involved, the expected date of the announcement, the anticipated timing of the workforce adjustment situation and the number, group and level of the employees who are likely to be affected by the decision.