Effective Date: April 1, 2025

This appendix provides an overview of the family reunion provisions with reference to the relevant FSD 51 provision.

Dependent Student 21 Years of Age or Younger

Education Level

Location of Dependent Student


Basis of Allowance


Section 51.4


3 return trips in 12-month period September 1 to August 31

Return travel from the educational institution to post


Section 51.4

Canada or Away from Post

3 return trips in 12-month period September 1 to August 31

Return travel from the educational institution to post


Section 51.5

Canada or Away from Post

2 return trips in 12-month period September 1 to August 31

Return travel from the educational institution to post up to the cost of return travel from headquarters city to post

Dependent Student 22 or 23 Years of Age


Section 51.6

Canada or Away from Post

1 return trip in
12-month period

Return travel from the educational institution to post up to the cost of return travel from headquarters city

Dependent Child - Not a Dependent Student


Location of Child


Basis of Allowance

18 years of age or younger

Subsection 51.7.2

Any location

2 return trips in 12-month period

Return travel from the location of the child in Canada to post up to the cost of return travel from headquarters city to post or the cost of return travel from headquarters city to the post if the child is outside of Canada

19 to 21 years of age

Subsection 51.7.3

Any location

1 return trip in 12-month period

Return travel from the location of the child in Canada to post up to the cost of return travel from headquarters city to post or the cost of return travel from headquarters city to the post if the child is outside of Canada

Unaccompanied Employee


Location of Dependant


Basis of Allowance

Spouse/Common-law partner/ Children

FSD 18 – Special Family Separation Assistance and paragraph 51.9.1(b)


Up to 2 return trips in 12-month period

Return travel from the post to the location of the separated dependants(s) up to the cost of return travel from the post to the headquarters city or last place of duty in Canada

Spouse/Common-law partner/ Children

Paragraph 51.9.1(a)

Third location under section 15.31 of FSD 15 - Relocation

Up to 2 return trips in 12-month period

Return travel from the post to the location of the separated dependants(s) as approved under
section 15.31 of FSD 15 - Relocation

Employee-Couple at Separate Posts


Location of Traveller


Basis of Allowance

No children

Paragraph 51.2.2(a)


Up to 2 return trips in 12-month period

Return travel from one post to the other post

Dependent child(ren) residing with one parent
Paragraph 51.2.2(a)


Up to 2 return trips in 12-month period

Return travel from one post to the other post

Dependent children residing with each parent
Paragraph 51.2.2(a)


Up to 2 return trips in 12-month period

Return travel from one post to the other post

Child Under a Custody Arrangement

Age of Child

Location of Child


Basis of Allowance

Dependent Child (21 years of age or younger)

Section 51.10


Up to 2 return trips in 12-month period

Return travel from the post to the location of the other parent minus the cost of return travel from the location of the other parent to the headquarters city

Dependent Child (21 years of age or younger)

Section 51.10

Location of other parent

Up to 2 return trips in 12-month period

Return travel from the post to the location of the other parent minus the cost of return travel from the location of the other parent to the headquarters city

Note: While family reunion is normally expected to occur at post, the provisions of section 51.11 – Travel Away From Post may be approved for travel to the location of the separated dependants or in a third location in lieu of the above travel.