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This directive specifies the conditions which apply for the FSD Travel Bank, whereby the amounts relating to the following travel allowances, as applicable, are provided to employees for their use while on assignment abroad: FSD 50 – Post Travel Assistance, FSD 51 – Family Reunion and FSD 56.11 – Post Specific Allowance.
The provisions relating to the use of each allowance are specified in each directive and the provisions relating to the issuance and verification procedures are found in FSD 70 – Allowances and Reporting Requirements.
49.1 Post Travel Assistance
49.1.1 An employee is eligible to receive an allowance under FSD 50 – Post Travel Allowance as specified in FSD 50 – Post Travel Allowance. Upon arrival at post, the amount of the allowance for the employee and eligible dependants will be added to the FSD Travel Bank.
49.1.2 Where a new dependant arrives at post and there is an entitlement to a Post Travel Allowance for the dependant, the amount of the allowance will be added to the FSD Travel Bank.
49.1.3 The employee is responsible for certifying the use of the allowance after the travel has occurred as outlined in subsection 70.4.1.
49.1.4 Once the certification of the allowance has been approved, and where the employee is entitled to a subsequent post travel allowance, the amount of the subsequent allowance for the employee and eligible dependants will be added to the FSD Travel Bank.
49.2 Family Reunion
49.2.1 An employee may be entitled to receive an allowance under FSD 51 – Family Reunion when conditions outlined in FSD 51 are met. Upon arrival at post, the amount of the allowance for the employee’s dependants will be added to the FSD Travel Bank for the initial period of September 1 to August 30 or as specified in subsection 51.1.1.
49.2.2 The employee must use the allowance for the number of trips allowable for each eligible dependant.
49.2.3 Family reunion normally occurs at post. Prior approval from the deputy head is required for family reunion to occur away from the post, subject to section 51.11.
49.2.4 The employee is responsible for certifying the use of the allowance after the travel has occurred for each dependant as outlined in FSD 70.4.1.
49.2.5 Once the certification of the allowance has been accepted, and where the employee is entitled to family reunion travel for another year or portion thereof, the amount of the subsequent allowance for the eligible dependants will be added to the FSD Travel Bank.
49.3 Post Specific Allowance
49.3.1 An employee is eligible to receive an allowance under FSD 56.11 – Post Specific Allowance unless the employee has opted for FSD 46 – Post Leave Option. Upon arrival at post, the pro-rated amount of the allowance for the period ending May 31st will be added to the FSD Travel Bank.
49.3.2 By June 30th of every year, the full amount of the allowance will be added to the FSD Travel Bank based on the rate which comes into effect on June 1st, provided the employee’s assignment will extend the full year.
49.3.3 Where the assignment will not extend the full year, a pro-rated amount of the allowance will be added to the FSD Travel Bank based on the expected end of assignment date. Adjustments will be made as required based on the first compensation day following the employee's last day on duty at the post.
49.3.4 The employee is not required to certify the use of the allowance.