Core Customized Funding Formula


Funding allowance: $1,000 @ 100%


+ Transportation cost - one way- kilometric rate (employee and dependants).


______ x 35% =


+ Cost of shipping 1000 lb (453.60 kg) of household goods per qualifying room* (zone-to-zone matrix).


______ x 35% =


Total Core Customized Funding:


Personalized Funding Formula



+ Non-accountable incidental allowance




Transferable Savings to Personalized Fund

+ Savings from a Shorter House Hunting Trip (HHT) or Incentive for Staying over a Saturday

Interim Lodging Meals & Incidentals (ILM&I) savings for unused days (max $250, taxes included); or $250 for flying and staying over on Saturday at destination.


+ Transportation of Household Goods Below the Pre-move Estimate




Total Personalized Funding:


*Qualifying rooms: (kitchen, bedrooms, living room, recreation room, family room, dining room, basement, garage (not condos and apartments), out building (limit of one), storage room (separate from apartment); weight of ATVs, snowmobiles, motorcycles, etc., stored in garage is excluded from weight factor; (1 kg = 2.2046 lb).