This part of the directive enhances and/or supplements Part IX (Sanitation) [] of the COHSR and should be read in that context.


This part applies in all government-owned buildings. However, where employees occupy buildings not owned by the federal government, this part shall apply to the maximum extent that is reasonably practicable.


"change room" (vestiaire) means a room that is used by employees to change from their street clothes to their work clothes and back to their street clothes after work;

"food preparation area" (aire de préparation des repas) means any area that is used for the storage, handling, preparation or serving of food; for example, cafeterias and canteens as defined in Chapter 130 of the Administrative Policy Manual (APM) and as amended from time to time;

"lunchroom" (salle à manger) means a room equipped with tables and chairs in which employees may eat food brought into the premises;

"personal service room"(local servant aux soins personnels) means a change room, toilet room (excluding outdoor toilets), washroom, shower room, lunchroom, living space, sleeping quarters or any combination thereof;

"potable water" (eau potable) means water of a quality which satisfies the standards or requirements of Health Canada for drinking water;

"sanitary condition" (salubre) means that state of any environment, equipment or object that will not render it injurious to health;

"sanitary facility" (installation sanitaire) means a toilet or personal cleansing facility, and may include a toilet, urinal, wash basin and shower bath;

"toilet room" (lieux d'aisances) means a room that contains a toilet or a urinal, but does not include an outdoor privy;

"vermin" (vermine) means any insect or rodent pest.

9.1 General Responsibilities

9.1.1 Each personal service room and food preparation area used by employees shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition in accordance with Chapter 130 of the APM under which Health Canada is authorized to inspect the premises at any time.

9.2 Care of Premises

9.2.1 All janitorial or other work that may cause dusty or unsanitary conditions shall be performed after normal working hours to the extent that is reasonably practicable.

9.2.2 All cleaning, sweeping and other activities shall be carried out in a manner that will minimize contamination by dust or other injurious substances, and in a manner that will not cause slippery or hazardous conditions.

9.2.3 Dirt and waste material shall not be allowed to accumulate to an extent that causes unsafe or unsanitary conditions.

9.2.4 Each enclosed part of a workplace, each personal service room area and each food preparation area shall be located, constructed, equipped, maintained and isolated in such a manner as to prevent the entry of vermin and animals as well as hazardous substances.

9.2.5 With respect to each personal service room and food preparation area:

  1. the floors, partitions and walls shall have a durable, water-resistant finish and be so constructed that they can be easily washed and maintained in a sanitary condition; and
  2. in any food preparation area or room that contains a sanitary facility, the floor and the lower portion (150 mm) of any walls and partitions that are in contact with the floor shall be watertight and impervious to moisture, and the joint between the walls and the floor shall be covered.

9.2.6 Where a sanitary facility is required on departmental premises, it shall be connected to a municipal sanitary sewer or water main or to both, where it is reasonably practicable to do so, in accordance with the appropriate standard.

9.2.7 With the advice of Health Canada and in consultation with the appropriate health and safety committee(s), departments shall establish contingency procedures for cases in which there is a temporary interruption in the supply of drinking water and water for the removal of water-borne waste.

9.2.8 Where a sanitary facility is required and municipal sewer and/or water systems are not available, a sewer and/or water system shall be installed in accordance with the appropriate standard.

9.3 Toilet Facilities

9.3.1 In workplaces other than offices where there are more than 100 employees of each sex, there shall be six toilets for each sex, plus one additional toilet for each group of 30 employees or fewer.

9.3.2 Urinals may be provided for up to half the number of toilets required for male employees.

9.3.3 Where it is not reasonably practicable to install a water closet-type toilet connected to a sewage disposal system, a chemical recirculating or combustion toilet or an outdoor "privy" may be installed, provided the facility is constructed and maintained in accordance with the appropriate standard.

9.4 Ventilation

9.4.1 Where the ventilation of a food preparation area or a lunchroom is effected by mechanical means, the rate of ventilation shall be the one set out in the appropriate standard.

9.5 Water Quality

9.5.1 Any storage container for drinking water shall be disinfected in a manner approved by Health Canada at least once a week while in use, and before the container is used following storage.

9.5.2 Except where drinking water is provided by a fountain, there shall be:

  1. an adequate supply of single-use drinking cups in a sanitary container located near the water container; and
  2. a non-combustible covered receptacle for the disposal of used drinking cups.

9.5.3 A common drinking cup shall not be used.

9.5.4 Where drinking water is supplied by a drinking fountain, the fountain shall not be installed in a personal service room containing a toilet.

9.6 Clothing Storage

9.6.1 Change rooms shall be provided where the nature of the work engaged in by employees requires them to change from street clothing to work clothing for health, safety or occupational cleanliness reasons.

9.7 Lunchrooms

9.7.1 No person shall eat, prepare or store food:

  1. in a place where a hazardous substance is likely to contaminate food, dishes or utensils;
  2. in a personal service room that contains a toilet, urinal or shower bath;
  3. in any place that is unsuitable for this purpose according to Health Canada;
  4. in laboratories.

9.7.2 Where a lunchroom is provided for employees, dishes or other food utensils shall not be washed in lavatory or sanitary facility wash basins.

9.8 Field Accommodation

9.8.1 An environmental health officer of Health Canada may direct that other measures be taken to maintain sanitary and healthy conditions in a field accommodation.

9.9 Food Preparation, Storage and Serving of Food

9.9.1 In the opinion of an authorized official of Health Canada, where a code, procedure or condition used by a department does not provide a sufficient degree of health protection, or is inappropriate, the official may issue directions in writing to the department concerning the specific codes or procedures to be applied.

9.9.2 Information or advice concerning applicable codes, procedures and good industrial sanitation and health practices with respect to a specific situation may be obtained from the appropriate regional medical services office of Health Canada.