Jointly developed NJC directives provide important benefits to employees and guide many aspects of work in the public service. NJC "products" include:
- The Public Service Health Care Plan administered by the Administration Authority which provides $1.64 billion in benefits annually to 779,550 members and their dependants (2022);
- A dental plan which reimbursed $168.1 million in dental benefits (NJC part) (2022);
- A disability insurance plan which delivered $421.8 million in support to affected employees (2022);
- A Travel Directive which covers all aspects of employee business travel, including $419.4 million in travel reimbursements (2022-2023);
- An Isolated Posts and Government Housing Directive which helps employees in isolated locations through travel support, rent assistance and $41.2 million in isolated post allowances (2022-2023);
- Foreign Services Directives which target $188.3 million in allowances to address the special needs of employees who serve Canada abroad (2022-2023);
- Bilingual bonuses, relocation payments, commuting allowances.
The National Joint Council also models innovative approaches to dispute resolution, including a unique grievance procedure where employer and union representatives jointly decide whether employees have been fairly treated within the intent of NJC directives.