The Government Travel Committee reviews the Government Travel Directive and the Commuting Assistance Directive and hears final level grievances on these authorities, when required by the Executive Committee. The Committee also recommends changes to various rates and premiums on a periodic basis.
Committee Advisor: Laura Sanford
Quarterly Report to the National Joint Council (June 2024)
Regular activities:
- The Committee has met twice (2) since the last Council meeting.
Cyclical review activities:
- The Committee has conducted cyclical review activities during their regular meetings. The Committee continues to discuss and co-develop revisions to the Directive. The Committee has submitted a request to the Executive Committee for a six (6)-month extension of the co-development period, which has been approved.
Outstanding item(s):
Seven (7) grievances:
Four (4) related to travel expenses; two (2) are in abeyance pending a FPSLREB decision on related grievances, one (1) is to be scheduled and one (1) is in analysis.
- One (1) related to additional business expenses is scheduled to be heard in July.
- One (1) related to Private Accommodation Allowance is scheduled to be heard in June.
- One (1) related to Commuting Assistance is in analysis.
Next meetings: January 9, 2025, February 13, 2025