The Joint Employment Equity Committee (JEEC) provides a national forum that includes the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS), the Public Service Commission (PSC), Bargaining Agents and departmental representatives. Others with Employment Equity and diversity responsibilities or expertise, including a youth representative, may be invited to collaborate on the development, implementation and revision of public service wide policies and practices that may impact designated groups under the Employment Equity Act.
The JEEC acts as the NJC's vehicle for Employment Equity and diversity analysis, and provides the NJC with Employment Equity and diversity related input, as well as, advice and recommendations related to emerging policies and practices in the federal public service:
- Undertaking timely and relevant analysis/review from an Employment Equity and diversity lens. Analysis from an Employment Equity and diversity lens is understood as:
- Considering the Employment Equity impacts and implications of policy and practice modifications on the designated groups;
- Ensuring that intersections among designated groups—including gender identity and sexual orientation related issues are considered when impacts and implications are assessed.
- Periodically undertaking system wide reviews and analysis on Employment Equity and diversity related issues.
To achieve its mandate, the JEEC relies on:
- Transparent and timely sharing of Employment Equity and diversity related information among all Committee members (including Employment Equity data summaries gathered through various employer controlled systems);
- A consistent approach to referring issues to JEEC for consultation, collaboration, input and analysis; and,
- Engagement with the NJC Executive with regard to emerging priorities.
Committee Advisor: Karen Kruger
Quarterly Report to the National Joint Council (June 2024)
Regular activities:
- The Committee has met two (2) times since the last Council meeting.
- The Committee received a presentation from the Public Service Commission (PSC) on their 2022-2023 Annual Report. The Committee proposed for future reports to capture employment equity representation among public servants with internal mobility (lateral movements, promotions, and acting appointments). The PSC agreed to produce this data report in the next iteration.
- The Committee received a presentation from the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) on their 2022-2023 Employment Equity (EE) Annual Report.
- The Committee received another presentation from TBS on the Telework Policy Review.
- The Committee submitted their 2023-2024 Year-End Report and proposed their 2024-2025 Work Plan to the Executive Committee at their April retreat.
Outstanding items:
- Nil
Next meetings: March 12, 2025, April 9, 2025, May 14, 2025