This document is not yet in effect.
To minimize the separation in families, where such separation is directly caused by the employee being assigned to a post, the employer provides for telephone calls and for reunion of families at public expense at least once a year.
The entitlement for family reunion travel under FSD 18 – Special Family Separation Assistance supersedes the provisions of this directive.
Family reunion travel provisions are summarized in Appendix A of this directive.
51.1 Application
51.1.1 Entitlements under this directive shall be determined on the basis of a 12-month period commencing on September 1st of each year, except for travel under section 51.9 by a dependant of an employee who has accepted an assignment on an unaccompanied basis, where entitlements shall be determined on the basis of the 12-month period commencing on the date of the employee's arrival at the post.
51.1.2 In determining family reunion travel entitlements for periods of less than 12 months of service, the deputy head shall take into consideration the date of arrival of the employee at the post in relation to the academic year and the completed months of service as defined in FSD 2 – Definitions. For example, where travel is twice per 12-month period, the academic year is September 1st to August 31st and the employee is posted in January, travel would normally be authorized once, during the long school holiday recess, before the commencement of the first full 12-month period on September 1st.
51.1.3 Where travel is permissible under sections 51.4, 51.5, 51.6, 51.7, 51.8 or 51.10 for the same child, the total number of trips which may be authorized in a 12-month period shall not exceed four trips.
51.2 Employee-Couple
51.2.1 Subject to sections 51.1, 51.3 and 51.11, the deputy head may provide a non-accountable family reunion travel allowance to an employee or to one employee of an employee-couple, for the purpose of family reunion travel.
51.2.2 Where an employee-couple accept assignments at different posts, the deputy head may authorize a family reunion travel allowance as follows:
- up to two trips in a 12-month period for travel between posts, where either employee, including a dependent child residing with one employee of the employee-couple, may use the entitlement to travel to the post of the other employee; and
- up to three trips in a 12-month period for travel by the child/student travelling to either post, which would otherwise have been authorized under sections 51.4, 51.5, 51.6 or 51.7 from the location of the child/student to either post.
51.2.3 Where travel is in lieu of travel under section 51.4, for a child at the elementary or secondary school level in Canada, two trips must be for the purpose of family reunion with the employee-couple.
51.2.4 Where travel is in lieu of travel under sections 51.5, 51.6 or 51.7, travel must be for the purpose of family reunion with the employee-couple.
51.2.5 Travel for a child/student under section 51.2 is subject to the age and cost limitations as prescribed in sections 51.4, 51.5, 51.6, 51.7 or 51.8 as applicable.
51.3 Family Reunion Travel Allowance
51.3.1 Throughout this directive, the allowance for family reunion travel shall reflect:
- the lowest available airfare appropriate to a particular itinerary, including APEX, charters and other reduced or discounted fares, for the most direct routing between the post and either the location of the dependant or the headquarters city, as applicable; and
- an amount for local transportation costs to and from airports at the points of departure and/or destination; and
- an amount to cover the expense for the first two checked pieces of baggage when the airline charges a fee; and
- an amount to cover the expenses for meals, accommodation and local transportation to and from the airport for a necessary stopover, where it is not possible or practicable to arrange an itinerary which will permit continuing travel to the approved destination, when authorized in advance by the deputy head.
51.3.2 In determining the amounts under subsection 51.3.1, the following criteria apply:
- discount and reduced fares shall be selected prior to full fare economy where these rates are available; significant savings can be realized if flights are booked as far in advance as possible; employees are expected to make travel arrangements at least four to six weeks in advance of travel; unless there is a reason acceptable to the deputy head, full-fare economy shall not be authorized; and
- where more than one rate is available for the same standard of air travel, depending on whether the ticket is purchased in Canada or at the post, the most economical airfare rate shall be used; and
- where the employee purchases restricted tickets in advance to obtain a reduced fare, the employer will reimburse the cost of the fee necessary to change the ticket, should it be necessary to change the dates of travel for reasons beyond the reasonable control of the employee; and
- if the dependant or employee prefers to drive, the family reunion travel allowance shall be based on the lower kilometric/mileage rate as defined in FSD 2 – Definitions for return travel between the location of the dependant and the post, up to the cost of the lowest available airfare determined in accordance with this section; and
- where the costs are not known for the expenses specified in paragraph 51.3.1(b), (c) or (d), a supplementary allowance may be issued.
51.3.3 Subject to 51.4.2(b), a minimum amount of time is not required between trips. Where the dependant’s status changes during the 12-month period, the deputy head may recover funds, as applicable.
51.4 Dependent Student Travelling to Post – Elementary and Secondary Level
51.4.1 A non-accountable family reunion travel allowance may be authorized by the deputy head for three return trips in a 12-month period for a dependent student who is in full-time attendance at a school where an education allowance is paid under FSD 34 – Education Allowances, for travel between the location of the student and the post, when the dependant is being educated:
- in Canada at the elementary or secondary level; or
- away from the post at the secondary level because schools at the post are not compatible.
51.4.2 With respect to subsection 51.4.1:
- the last year of entitlement shall be the 12-month period commencing September 1st in which the 21st birthday occurs; and
- one of the trips must be taken during the long school holiday recess.
51.5 Dependent Student Travelling to Post – Postsecondary Level – 21 Years Old or Younger
51.5.1 A non-accountable family reunion travel allowance may be authorized by the deputy head for two return trips in a 12-month period for a dependent student who is in full-time attendance at a postsecondary educational institution, for travel between the location of the student and the post, up to the cost of travel between the headquarters city and the post for travel from Canada, or between the post and the headquarters city for travel from outside Canada, where the last year of entitlement shall be the 12-month period commencing September 1st in which the 21st birthday occurs.
51.6 Dependent Student Travelling to Post – Postsecondary Level – 22 or 23 Years Old
51.6.1 A non-accountable family reunion travel allowance may be authorized by the deputy head for one return trip in a 12-month period for a dependent student who:
- is over the age of 21 but who has not yet attained 24 years of age; and
- is in full-time attendance at an educational institution that has been approved by the deputy head, and is attending a recognized educational program, which could include work assignments between scheduled courses of instruction (e.g. co-op program).
51.6.2 With respect to subsection 51.6.1, the allowance shall cover expenses incurred for travel between the location of the student and the post, up to the cost of travel between the headquarters city and the post for travel from Canada, or between the post and the headquarters city for travel from outside Canada.
51.6.3 The last year of entitlement under subsection 51.6.1 shall be the 12-month period commencing September 1st in which the 23rd birthday occurs.
51.7 Child Travelling to Post – Not a Dependent Student
51.7.1 For the purpose of subsections 51.7.2 and 51.7.3, a child means the child of an employee, spouse, or common-law partner who:
- is not a dependent student;
- does not reside with the employee at the post; and
- normally resides, and is in a dependent relationship with the employee, spouse, or common-law partner in Canada.
51.7.2 A non-accountable family reunion travel allowance may be authorized by the deputy head for two return trips in a 12-month period, if the child has not yet attained 19 years of age, for travel between the location of the child and the post, up to the cost of travel between the headquarters city and the post for travel from Canada, or between the post and the headquarters city for travel from outside Canada, where the last year of entitlement shall be the 12-month period commencing September 1st in which the 18th birthday occurs.
51.7.3 A non-accountable family reunion travel allowance may be authorized by the deputy head for one return trip in a 12-month period, if the child is over the age of 18 but has not yet attained 22 years of age, for travel between the location of the child and the post, up to the cost of travel between the headquarters city and the post for travel from Canada, or between the post and the headquarters city for travel from outside Canada, where the last year of entitlement shall be the 12-month period commencing September 1st in which the 21st birthday occurs.
51.8 Child with Special Needs
51.8.1 Where travel is by a dependent child with a mental or physical disability, including a dependent adult child as defined in FSD 2 – Definitions, and the airline will not accept the child to travel unaccompanied or the child cannot travel unaccompanied, or where the child is under 13 years of age, one of the trips available each year under sections 51.4, 51.5, 51.6 and 51.7 may be used for a person to accompany the child.
51.8.2 Where a dependent child, including a dependent adult child as defined in FSD 2 – Definitions, with special needs is receiving care and/or training at or from an institution in Canada, by reason of a mental or physical disability, and travel in respect of that child has not been authorized during the preceding 12-month period under this directive, and neither parent has travelled to Canada under this directive with respect to another child, the deputy head shall authorize a family reunion allowance for actual and reasonable return travelling expenses between the employee's post and the location of the child, minus return travelling expenses between the location of the child and the headquarters city as follows:
- twice a year for the employee and/or the employee's spouse or common-law partner (i.e. the employee and spouse or common-law partner cannot claim four individual trips by travelling separately); or
- twice a year for a child with special needs and a person to accompany; or
- once a year for the employee and/or the employee's spouse or common-law partner and once a year for a child with special needs and a person to accompany.
51.8.3 Where one or both parents has/have travelled to Canada under this directive with respect to another child, this would count as one trip, as they would be expected to visit the child with special needs, including a dependent adult child as defined in FSD 2 – Definitions, at the same time. This would reduce the travel entitlement under this directive by one trip.
51.9 Family Reunion for Unaccompanied Employees
51.9.1 Subject to FSD 18 – Special Family Separation Assistance, unless otherwise specified in this section, where the employee’s dependants are not at post, the deputy head may authorize up to two trips per 12-month period for the dependants of that employee, as follows:
- where the employee has accepted the assignment on an unaccompanied basis as defined in FSD 2 – Definitions, dependants have been relocated to another location under section 15.31 of FSD 15 – Relocation, the family reunion travel allowance shall be for return travel between the post and the location of the separated dependants;
- where paragraph 51.9.1(a) does not apply, the family reunion travel allowance shall be for travel:
- between the post and the location of the separated dependants, up to the cost of travel between the post and the headquarters city; or
- between the location of the separated dependants and the post, up to the cost of travel between the headquarters city and the post, as applicable.
51.10 Visiting under a Custody Arrangement
51.10.1 Where a custody agreement is in place or where the child has not yet attained 22 years of age and there is no custody agreement because of the child's age, the deputy head may authorize payment of a family reunion travel allowance in accordance with this section.
51.10.2 Travel under this section shall not exceed the frequency of travel permissible under sections 51.4, 51.5, 51.6 or 51.7.
51.10.3 In applying subsections 51.10.6 and 51.10.7, where the location of the child's other parent is at a post outside Canada, and that parent is an employee, spouse, or common-law partner subject to the Foreign Service Directives, the family reunion travel allowance shall not be reduced to reflect the cost of travel between the child's other parent and the employee's headquarters city.
51.10.4 In applying subsection 51.10.8, where the location of the child is at a post outside Canada with a parent who is an employee, spouse, or common-law partner subject to the Foreign Service Directives, the family reunion travel allowance shall not be reduced to reflect the cost of travel between the location of the child and the employee's headquarters city.
51.10.5 In determining the employee's share of travelling expenses, the deputy head shall take into consideration the type and mode of transportation used, for example:
- where travel is on an excursion ticket, the employee's share shall be based on excursion rates;
- where travel for which the employee is responsible is in excess of 800 kilometres from the employee's headquarters city, Canadian airfare rates in effect on the date travel commences shall be used; or
- where travel for which the employee is responsible is within 800 kilometres of the employee's headquarters city, the lesser of Canadian bus or rail costs shall be used.
51.10.6 Where the employee, spouse, or common-law partner is responsible for travel for a dependent child, who is residing with the employee at the post or who is a dependent student as defined in FSD 2 – Definitions, to visit the other parent, a family reunion travel allowance may be authorized for up to two round trips in a 12-month period, less the cost of travel, if any, between the location of the child's other parent and the employee's headquarters city.
51.10.7 In applying subsection 51.10.6, where the child is residing with the employee at the post and, where the best interests of the child would be met by reunion at the post with the child's other parent, such travel for the child's other parent for return travel only to the post, in lieu of travel by the child for reasons such as the age of the child, the child has a mental or physical disability, or special circumstances based on the recommendation of a health or education specialist, may be approved by the deputy head at the request of the employee, where the deputy head is satisfied that the intent of family reunion is best met at the employee's post.
51.10.8 A family reunion travel allowance may be authorized for a child of the employee, spouse, or common-law partner, who does not qualify as a dependant under FSD 2 – Definitions for the sole reason that the child does not normally reside with the employee, spouse, or common-law partner, but the latter has visiting privileges with the child under the terms of a custody agreement, for up to two trips per 12-month period, from the location of the child to the employee's post, less the cost of travel, if any, between the location of the child and the employee's headquarters city.
51.10.9 Where travel is permissible under subsections 51.10.6 and 51.10.8 for the same child, the total number of trips which may be authorized in a 12-month period shall not exceed two trips.
51.10.10 Where travel is by a dependent child with a mental or physical disability and the airline will not accept the child unaccompanied, or where the child is under 13 years of age, one of the round trips available under this section may be used during the applicable 12-month period for a person to accompany the child.
51.11 Family Reunion Away from Post
51.11.1 While it is expected that family reunion will normally occur at the employee's post, at the employee's request and where the deputy head is satisfied that the intent of a family reunion is best met, a family reunion travel allowance may be authorized for a return trip between the post and the location of the child, student, spouse, or common-law partner, or the headquarters city, up to the total travelling expenses that would have been incurred for the travel to post by all eligible dependants/children under the applicable provisions of this directive, as applicable, for:
- the employee, where travel is in lieu of the provisions of section 51.9 or subsection 51.10.6; or
- the spouse/common-law partner, where travel is in lieu of the provisions of subsection 51.10.6; or
- the employee and spouse/common-law partner and any dependent child residing with the employee at the post, where travel is in lieu of the provisions of sections 51.4, 51.5, 51.6, 51.7 and 51.8.
51.11.2 In special circumstances, provided the deputy head is satisfied the intent of family reunion is best met, return travel may be authorized to a location on a routing to the post, for the employee and any dependant(s) eligible for travel under this directive, including dependants residing at the post, up to the cost of travel between post and headquarters city. The total travelling expenses incurred cannot exceed that which would have been incurred for the travel to post by all eligible dependants/children under the applicable provisions of this directive.
51.11.3 Special circumstances under subsection 51.11.2, where reunion at a third location will facilitate reunion of the employee and all eligible dependants for family reunion travel under this directive, include any of the following:
- security, health or environmental conditions at post make it unwise for dependants to visit;
- a long flight or many time zone changes in proportion to the length of family reunion;
- it is more convenient for the family to meet at a midway location because of individual work and/or school schedules; and/or
- dependants may be in separate locations.
51.11.4 The allowance authorized under section 51.11 shall not exceed the allowance that would have been payable pursuant to sections 51.2, 51.4, 51.5, 51.6, 51.7, 51.8, 51.9 or 51.10, as applicable. Where travel for an employee, spouse, or common-law partner has been authorized in lieu of the provisions of section 51.10, the deputy head shall also authorize an allowance for actual and reasonable accommodation expenses incurred by the employee, spouse, or common-law partner in the headquarters city, for a period not to exceed five nights.
51.11.5 When travel is approved from post, such travel shall liquidate one travel entitlement each for all eligible dependants, regardless of their locations or the frequency of travel entitlement.
51.11.6 It is not the intent of this section to provide the employee and/or a dependant with additional vacation travel nor a trade-off, so that, for example, where there are two children away from post, the employee would seek to visit them six times during the entitlement period, thus resulting in a family reunion with some members but not others. Travel by one parent to visit one child would only be approved by the deputy head in unusual personal circumstances which require the presence of a parent at the location of the child, and which would achieve the objective of family reunion.
51.12 Leave
51.12.1 When family reunion travel is authorized for an employee under section 51.11, the employee shall be charged the appropriate number of leave credits except that, where the deputy head is not prepared to authorize family reunion at post because of unusual circumstances at post and it is not feasible for the employee to travel during non-working hours, travel leave shall be authorized for a period equal to:
- the travelling time between the post and the location of the separated dependant, or an approved third location, pursuant to subsection 51.11.2, where travel is in lieu of the provisions of sections 51.4, 51.5, 51.6, 51.7, 51.8 or 51.9; or
- the travelling time between the post and the destination, less the travelling time between the destination and the headquarters city, where travel is in lieu of the provisions of section 51.10; or
- the travelling time between the post and the destination, up to the travelling time for a return journey to the employee's headquarters city, in all other cases.
51.13 Telephone Calls with Dependants
51.13.1 Where a dependent student is not residing at post and is eligible for family reunion travel under the provisions of sections 51.4, 51.5 or 51.6 or where a dependent child is not attending an educational institution but is eligible for family reunion travel under the provisions of sections 51.7 or 51.8 of this directive, an employee may request an allowance for one five-minute telephone call per month of service during an academic year between the location of the dependent student or child and the employee’s post.
51.13.2 Where an employee-couple are assigned to different posts, each employee may request an allowance as specified in subsection 51.13.1.
51.13.3 In determining the number of months of entitlement for periods less than a complete academic year, an allowance shall be given for each month of service during which the child attended school.
51.13.4 Where an employee is claiming assistance for telephone calls in accordance with subsection 51.13.1, the allowance shall be pro-rated to reflect the number of months of entitlement relative to the 12-month period. In determining the number of months of entitlement for periods of less than a complete academic year, credit shall be given for each month during which the employee is assigned to a post for at least 10 compensation days.
51.13.5 Where the employee is relocated to a new place of duty in Canada during the academic year, the deputy head may exercise discretion in applying the pro-rating under subsection 51.13.4.
51.14 Attending the Birth of a Child
51.14.1 Subject to section 41.5, the deputy head shall approve a Family Reunion Allowance for the spouse or common-law partner to be present at the birth of the child, for a period not to exceed five days. The allowance shall include:
- travelling expenses in accordance with section 51.3 of this directive;
- accommodation in accordance with FSD 2 – Definitions, at the location of the treatment centre if required; and
- daily meal allowance in accordance with the NJC Travel Directive. The NJC Travel Directive incidental expense allowance is not payable.
51.14.2 When an employee, spouse, or common-law partner adopts a child, including through surrogacy, and must travel from the post to accept physical custody of that child and/or be present for the birth, the deputy head shall reimburse, to the employee, the travelling expenses, up to the cost of travel from the post to the headquarters city, in accordance with FSD 2 – Definitions incurred by:
- the employee and spouse or common-law partner, for the journey between the post and the location of the child; and
- the employee, spouse or common-law partner and child, for the return journey.
51.14.3 Where the location of travel for the adoption of a child, including through surrogacy, is the headquarters city or last place of duty, the deputy head may include in the allowance accommodation and meals for a period not to exceed five days as follows:
- accommodation in accordance with FSD 2 – Definitions if required; and
- daily meal allowance and the incidental expense allowance, in accordance with the NJC Travel Directive.
51.14.4 Where subsections 51.14.1 and 51.14.2 are applicable, FSD 50 – Post Travel Assistance or FSD 56.11 – Post Specific Allowance may be used for travel of other dependants residing at post.
51.15 Managerial Discretion
51.15.1 Notwithstanding the specific limitations prescribed in this directive, on the recommendation of the appropriate interdepartmental foreign service coordinating committee, the deputy head may authorize an additional amount to offset expenses which are incurred due to circumstances beyond the employee and dependants’ control such as quarantine requirements because of a public health measure.
51.16 Reporting
51.16.1 Provisions for the issuance and verification of family reunion travel allowances are found in FSD 70 – Allowances and Reporting Requirements.