This directive is now hosted by the National Joint Council, where it was co-developed by participating bargaining agents and public service employers. The document has not been changed.
Please Note: Public Service employees should contact their Designated Departmental IPGHD Co-ordinator with their questions.
- General
- Part I - Administration of Allowances
- Part II - Designation and Payments
- Criteria
- Effects of Changes
- Part III - Expenses and Leave
- Travelling and Transportation Expenses
- 3.1 Non-Elective Medical or Dental Treatment
- 3.2 Compassionate Travel and Expenses
- 3.3 Bereavement Travel Expenses
- 3.4 Vacation Travel Assistance (VTA)
- 3.5 Fixed Rate Vacation Travel Assistance
- 3.6 Recovery of Vacation Travel Assistance (VTA)
- 3.7 Part-time and Seasonal Employment
- 3.8 Post-Secondary Educational Travel
- 3.9 Adoption of a Child
- Leave
- Travelling and Transportation Expenses
- Part IV - Relocation to an Isolated Post
- Part V - Relocation Upon End of Employment
- Expenses and Entitlements
- 5.1 Application
- 5.2 Retirement, Disability, Workforce Adjustment, Non-Disciplinary Termination
- 5.3 Resignation (less than one year)
- 5.4 Resignation (one year or more)
- 5.5 Completed Specified Period Appointment (less than one year)
- 5.6 Completed Specified Period Appointment (one to five years)
- 5.7 Disciplinary Termination
- 5.8 Reimbursement of Expenses
- 5.9 Entitlements of Persons who are no Longer Dependants
- 5.10 Time Limit to Incur Expenses
- 5.11 Death of Employees or Dependants
- Expenses and Entitlements
- Part VI - Government Housing
- 6.1 General
- 6.2 Priorities
- 6.3 Rent
- 6.4 Allocation of Accommodation
- 6.5 Occupancy Agreement
- 6.6 Base Shelter Value (BSV)
- 6.7 Rental Charge Adjustments
- 6.8 Special Reductions
- 6.9 Rental Charges Ceiling
- 6.10 Furnishings
- 6.11 Residential Standards
- 6.12 Annual Review
- 6.13 Residential Parking
- 6.14 Fuel and Utility Charges
- Appendix A - Classification of Isolated Posts
- Appendix B — Environment Allowance
- Appendix C — Living Cost Differential
- Appendix D - Fuel and Utilities Differential
- Appendix E - Application to Ships' Officers and Ships' Crews
- Appendix F — Posts Subject to Special Conditions for Separation Expense
- Appendix G — Special Locations
- Appendix H - Criteria for Determining Levels
- Appendix I — Meals or Rations
- Appendix J - Relocation Upon End of Employment (see Part V)
- Appendix K-1 — Shelter Cost Differential (SCD) — Qualifying Locations — Private Accommodation
- Appendix K-2 — Shelter Cost Differential (SCD) — Qualifying Locations — Government Housing
- Appendix L - Occupancy Agreement for Government-owned Accommodations
- Appendix M — Calculation of Rent for Government Housing